måndag 28 maj 2012

Sveriges trupp till OS i London

Sista uttagningen i juli 
SOK delar ut OS-biljetter löpande under året innan spelen och för att bli uttagen ska man klara både internationella kvalregler och de svenska kriterierna för uttagning. SOK tar ut truppen i samråd med de olika idrotternas landslagsledningar.

Uttagna simmare:

Se alla uttagna aktiva här

torsdag 10 maj 2012

”Vem tar ansvar för våra elitidrottande barns hälsa?”

Unga riskerar utbrändhet. Elitidrott är i dag ett heltidsyrke för allt fler. Satsningen mot toppen börjar tidigt. Men nu börjar elitsatsningarna skörda sina offer. Medan tränare och aktiva lagt i överväxeln har samhället i allmänhet och det medicinska stödet i synnerhet hamnat på efterkälken. Det är dags att att ställa frågan om vem som tar ansvar för våra barns hälsa, skriver 14 företrädare för svensk idrott och idrottsmedicin.

Läs hela artikeln i DN här

Dags och planera OS sommarn, simningen startar 28 juli och slutar 4 aug.

Olympic Swimming Schedule & Results | London 2012

tisdag 8 maj 2012

The Wheel of Excellence” – Sammanfattning

Terry Orlick, grundare av Zone of Excellence är en världskänd inom undervisning och coaching av människor hur man gör till sin kapacitet och öka glädje av sina liv. Han har varit ledande inom inrikta utbildning för hög kvalitet inom flera discipliner i över 35 år. Terry har arbetat med tusentals Olympiska och professionella idrottare och tränare, företagsledare, astronauter, kirurger, topp klassiska musiker, dansare, operasångare och artister, mission proffs kontroll.

Making the Wheel Work for You
The Wheel of Excellence can serve as a guide in your own pursuit of personal excellence. Decide where you are strong and where you need strengthening. Target areas for personal improvement and work at it. The following questions may help in clarifying your direction.

Are your goals clear, challenging and targeted at being your best?
Do you work at improving something every day , in every practice, in every performance?

Is your commitment to training, practice or preparation strong enough to take you to your high level goals?

Is your commitment to respect your personal needs for rest, balance, recovery, and good nutrition, strong enough to take you to your goals?


Do you believe in your capacity to reach your goal(s)?

Are you putting yourself in situations that give you the greatest chance of believing in yourself and achieving your goals?

Do you think and act in ways that make you feel positive and confident?

Do you have a plan to get there – Do you trust your plan and your preparation?

Will you free yourself to let good things unfold?

Full Focus

Do you know what focus works best for you?

Do you have a plan to consistently get into your best focus?

Do you work at improving your focus? How?

Do you focus on doing the little things that work best for you every day, for the duration of your performance?

Positive Images

Do you imagine yourself performing (or interacting) the way you would ‘ideally’ like to be.

Do you imagine yourself achieving your goals?

Do you imagine yourself doing the little things that will allow you to achieve your goals?

Do you "wake up" your positive images by acting in ways that will take you a step closer to your goals each day?

Mental Readiness

Do you carry a perspective that centers on ongoing learning and growing?

Do you mentally prepare yourself to live and perform your best? Consistently?

Do you trust yourself to free your performance unfold?

Do you remain open to the creativity of the moment and the dynamics of the situation?

Distraction Control

Do you carry a perspective or focus that allows you to avoid, minimize, or take control of distractions?

Do you carry a performance focus that allows you to maintain your best focus even when faced with setbacks or distractions?

Do you prepare yourself to flow through distractions, and focus on quickly regaining control when faced with performance errors or setbacks?

Constructive Evaluation

Do you draw lessons out of every experience or every performance (i.e. what went well and what needs refinement)?

Do you act on those lessons every day or every opportunity

Do you re-run the things that you want to improve by correcting them in your mind?

Do you reflect upon the role that your mind-set and focus played in your performance?

Do you act on those reflections?

You can apply these questions and the seven elements of excellence to any area of your life. The Wheel of Excellence is relevant to anything that is important in life. I wish you the best in your quest to make it run wisely and smoothly.

Micke slutar efter OS

Se intervju med Phelps i programmet 60 Minutes

tisdag 1 maj 2012

R.I.P Alexander Dale Oen

Jag hade förmånen att träffa Alex på läger inför Junior EM 2003, han var verkligen en person med enorm karisma och fick alla skratta och må bra. Jag skriver detta med en enorm sorg och simvärlden har förlorat en fantastisk person och simmare. Mina tankar går till Alex flickvän och hans familj.

Dale Oens liv i bilder